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Unazë/shellne shtërnguese të tipit D, dia. 1" - 3"

D-type clamps 3"

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Ti gjithashtu mund të pëlqesh

Unazë/shellne shtërnguese të tipit D, dia. 1" - 3"

Janë të përshtatshme për lidhjen e tubave me diametër 1" - 3"

Më shumëShfaq më pak
Detajet e produktit
16 produkte të tjera në të njëjtën kategori:
Aparate të frymëmarrjes
SKU: 1815810
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus designed with a jacket. User-friendly and versatile, the Fenzy Explor-Air is ideal for short inspections in confined spaces or for maintenance operations. It can be connected to an...
Aparate të frymëmarrjes
SKU: 1822301
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus specially designed for firefighting. It is very comfortable thanks to its thermo-compressed harness. It fulfils the requirements of the EN 137:2006 standard, type 2.
Aparate të frymëmarrjes
SKU: 1822120
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus specially developed for firefighting. Its unique design offers comfort and high performance with the new “Extreme Comfort” harness, an ultra-light back plate adjustable to every...
Pajisje prerëse
SKU: 5936780
Prerës hidraulik RSX 105-29 New Xtreme cutter technology Low strain cut because of massive overlapping of the blades Clasps the material to be cut Shorter blades - excellent working

